Have you ever heard the saying, " Well they aren't the sharpest tool in the set." Whenever I hear this, it directs my attention to an individual's skill and ability. And although this isn't the most kind and emotionally sensitive statement, as I ponder on it, I am starting to wonder whether there's some validity to it. So, I ask, "How sharp are you", "how do you maintain or improve your sharpness", and "are you amongst other dull tools?" As you know, dullness requires more work and doesn't quite get the job done.
When we are not informed of a tool's purpose, value, and proper use, we tend to miss the opportunity to utilize the apparatus to its fullest capability or misuse it. Consider the body as medium, a multi-faceted tool working for us. It uses our 5 senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching) to interact with everything in our surroundings. Based on how keen our senses are will determine our level of skill and ability. However, because we have not fully embraced this we misuse and expose it to a lot of toxicity. These toxins create blockage and introduce us to bodily damage that invites disease along with disorder. So how does one determine their level of sharpness? Here are some thoughts I find useful to consider:
· If I was to strip every luxury I have outside of myself and had to go into survival mode what useful skills and abilities do I have.
· What is the state of my relationships and how are my communication skills?
· How useful would those strengths (mental, emotional, physical) be in a team?
Start using your body more intentionally, invest in your abilities, and strengthen yourself because you are your most important tool.
When we maintain clear functional pathways the sharper we will perform. Here are 4 ways to maintain a sharp tool to regain order:
1. Meditate: Explore your thoughts and breathing
2. Clean eating: Quality food supports bodily function
3. Keeping the body active: Include various forms of exercise & massaging
4. Explore: Try challenge your comfort zones, dare to grow pass your familiar
This medically supports the hormonal, cardiovascular, and nervous function for quality health.
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